Source code for pyhf.readxml

from . import utils

import logging

from pathlib import Path
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
import tqdm
import uproot
import re

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__FILECACHE__ = {}

[docs]def extract_error(hist): """ Determine the bin uncertainties for a histogram. If `fSumw2` is not filled, then the histogram must have been filled with no weights and `.Sumw2()` was never called. The bin uncertainties are then Poisson, and so the `sqrt(entries)`. Args: hist (:class:`uproot.behaviors.TH1.TH1`): The histogram Returns: list: The uncertainty for each bin in the histogram """ variance = hist.variances() if hist.weighted else hist.to_numpy()[0] return np.sqrt(variance).tolist()
[docs]def import_root_histogram(rootdir, filename, path, name, filecache=None): global __FILECACHE__ filecache = filecache or __FILECACHE__ # strip leading slashes as uproot doesn't use "/" for top-level path = path or '' path = path.strip('/') fullpath = str(Path(rootdir).joinpath(filename)) if fullpath not in filecache: f = filecache[fullpath] = f else: f = filecache[fullpath] try: hist = f[name] except (KeyError, uproot.deserialization.DeserializationError): fullname = "/".join([path, name]) try: hist = f[fullname] except KeyError: raise KeyError( f'Both {name} and {fullname} were tried and not found in {fullpath}' ) return hist.to_numpy()[0].tolist(), extract_error(hist)
[docs]def process_sample( sample, rootdir, inputfile, histopath, channelname, track_progress=False ): if 'InputFile' in sample.attrib: inputfile = sample.attrib.get('InputFile') if 'HistoPath' in sample.attrib: histopath = sample.attrib.get('HistoPath') histoname = sample.attrib['HistoName'] data, err = import_root_histogram(rootdir, inputfile, histopath, histoname) parameter_configs = [] modifiers = [] # first check if we need to add lumi modifier for this sample if sample.attrib.get("NormalizeByTheory", "False") == 'True': modifiers.append({'name': 'lumi', 'type': 'lumi', 'data': None}) modtags = tqdm.tqdm( sample.iter(), unit='modifier', disable=not (track_progress), total=len(sample) ) for modtag in modtags: modtags.set_description( f" - modifier {modtag.attrib.get('Name', 'n/a'):s}({modtag.tag:s})" ) if modtag == sample: continue if modtag.tag == 'OverallSys': modifiers.append( { 'name': modtag.attrib['Name'], 'type': 'normsys', 'data': { 'lo': float(modtag.attrib['Low']), 'hi': float(modtag.attrib['High']), }, } ) elif modtag.tag == 'NormFactor': modifiers.append( {'name': modtag.attrib['Name'], 'type': 'normfactor', 'data': None} ) parameter_config = { 'name': modtag.attrib['Name'], 'bounds': [[float(modtag.attrib['Low']), float(modtag.attrib['High'])]], 'inits': [float(modtag.attrib['Val'])], } if modtag.attrib.get('Const'): parameter_config['fixed'] = modtag.attrib['Const'] == 'True' parameter_configs.append(parameter_config) elif modtag.tag == 'HistoSys': lo, _ = import_root_histogram( rootdir, modtag.attrib.get('HistoFileLow', inputfile), modtag.attrib.get('HistoPathLow', ''), modtag.attrib['HistoNameLow'], ) hi, _ = import_root_histogram( rootdir, modtag.attrib.get('HistoFileHigh', inputfile), modtag.attrib.get('HistoPathHigh', ''), modtag.attrib['HistoNameHigh'], ) modifiers.append( { 'name': modtag.attrib['Name'], 'type': 'histosys', 'data': {'lo_data': lo, 'hi_data': hi}, } ) elif modtag.tag == 'StatError' and modtag.attrib['Activate'] == 'True': if modtag.attrib.get('HistoName', '') == '': staterr = err else: extstat, _ = import_root_histogram( rootdir, modtag.attrib.get('HistoFile', inputfile), modtag.attrib.get('HistoPath', ''), modtag.attrib['HistoName'], ) staterr = np.multiply(extstat, data).tolist() if not staterr: raise RuntimeError('cannot determine stat error.') modifiers.append( { 'name': f'staterror_{channelname}', 'type': 'staterror', 'data': staterr, } ) elif modtag.tag == 'ShapeSys': # NB: ConstraintType is ignored if modtag.attrib.get('ConstraintType', 'Poisson') != 'Poisson': log.warning( 'shapesys modifier %s has a non-poisson constraint', modtag.attrib['Name'], ) shapesys_data, _ = import_root_histogram( rootdir, modtag.attrib.get('InputFile', inputfile), modtag.attrib.get('HistoPath', ''), modtag.attrib['HistoName'], ) # NB: we convert relative uncertainty to absolute uncertainty modifiers.append( { 'name': modtag.attrib['Name'], 'type': 'shapesys', 'data': [a * b for a, b in zip(data, shapesys_data)], } ) elif modtag.tag == 'ShapeFactor': modifiers.append( {'name': modtag.attrib['Name'], 'type': 'shapefactor', 'data': None} ) else: log.warning('not considering modifier tag %s', modtag) return { 'name': sample.attrib['Name'], 'data': data, 'modifiers': modifiers, 'parameter_configs': parameter_configs, }
[docs]def process_data(sample, rootdir, inputfile, histopath): if 'InputFile' in sample.attrib: inputfile = sample.attrib.get('InputFile') if 'HistoPath' in sample.attrib: histopath = sample.attrib.get('HistoPath') histoname = sample.attrib['HistoName'] data, _ = import_root_histogram(rootdir, inputfile, histopath, histoname) return data
[docs]def process_channel(channelxml, rootdir, track_progress=False): channel = channelxml.getroot() inputfile = channel.attrib.get('InputFile') histopath = channel.attrib.get('HistoPath') samples = tqdm.tqdm( channel.findall('Sample'), unit='sample', disable=not (track_progress) ) data = channel.findall('Data') if data: parsed_data = process_data(data[0], rootdir, inputfile, histopath) else: parsed_data = None channelname = channel.attrib['Name'] results = [] channel_parameter_configs = [] for sample in samples: samples.set_description(f" - sample {sample.attrib.get('Name')}") result = process_sample( sample, rootdir, inputfile, histopath, channelname, track_progress ) channel_parameter_configs.extend(result.pop('parameter_configs')) results.append(result) return channelname, parsed_data, results, channel_parameter_configs
[docs]def process_measurements(toplvl, other_parameter_configs=None): """ For a given XML structure, provide a parsed dictionary adhering to defs.json/#definitions/measurement. Args: toplvl (:mod:`xml.etree.ElementTree`): The top-level XML document to parse. other_parameter_configs (:obj:`list`): A list of other parameter configurations from other non-top-level XML documents to incorporate into the resulting measurement object. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A measurement object. """ results = [] other_parameter_configs = other_parameter_configs if other_parameter_configs else [] for x in toplvl.findall('Measurement'): parameter_configs_map = {k['name']: dict(**k) for k in other_parameter_configs} lumi = float(x.attrib['Lumi']) lumierr = lumi * float(x.attrib['LumiRelErr']) result = { 'name': x.attrib['Name'], 'config': { 'poi': x.findall('POI')[0].text, 'parameters': [ { 'name': 'lumi', 'auxdata': [lumi], 'bounds': [[lumi - 5.0 * lumierr, lumi + 5.0 * lumierr]], 'inits': [lumi], 'sigmas': [lumierr], } ], }, } for param in x.findall('ParamSetting'): # determine what all parameters in the paramsetting have in common overall_param_obj = {} if param.attrib.get('Const'): overall_param_obj['fixed'] = param.attrib['Const'] == 'True' if param.attrib.get('Val'): overall_param_obj['inits'] = [float(param.attrib['Val'])] # might be specifying multiple parameters in the same ParamSetting if param.text: for param_name in param.text.split(' '): param_name = utils.remove_prefix(param_name, 'alpha_') if param_name.startswith('gamma_') and r'^gamma_.+_\d+$', param_name ): raise ValueError( f'pyhf does not support setting individual gamma parameters constant, such as for {param_name}.' ) param_name = utils.remove_prefix(param_name, 'gamma_') # lumi will always be the first parameter if param_name == 'Lumi': result['config']['parameters'][0].update(overall_param_obj) else: # pop from parameter_configs_map because we don't want to duplicate param_obj = parameter_configs_map.pop( param_name, {'name': param_name} ) # ParamSetting will always take precedence param_obj.update(overall_param_obj) # add it back in to the parameter_configs_map parameter_configs_map[param_name] = param_obj result['config']['parameters'].extend(parameter_configs_map.values()) results.append(result) return results
[docs]def dedupe_parameters(parameters): duplicates = {} for p in parameters: duplicates.setdefault(p['name'], []).append(p) for parname in duplicates: parameter_list = duplicates[parname] if len(parameter_list) == 1: continue elif any(p != parameter_list[0] for p in parameter_list[1:]): for p in parameter_list: log.warning(p) raise RuntimeError( f'cannot import workspace due to incompatible parameter configurations for {parname:s}.' ) # no errors raised, de-dupe and return return list({v['name']: v for v in parameters}.values())
[docs]def parse(configfile, rootdir, track_progress=False): toplvl = ET.parse(configfile) inputs = tqdm.tqdm( [x.text for x in toplvl.findall('Input')], unit='channel', disable=not (track_progress), ) channels = {} parameter_configs = [] for inp in inputs: inputs.set_description(f'Processing {inp}') channel, data, samples, channel_parameter_configs = process_channel( ET.parse(str(Path(rootdir).joinpath(inp))), rootdir, track_progress ) channels[channel] = {'data': data, 'samples': samples} parameter_configs.extend(channel_parameter_configs) parameter_configs = dedupe_parameters(parameter_configs) result = { 'measurements': process_measurements( toplvl, other_parameter_configs=parameter_configs ), 'channels': [{'name': k, 'samples': v['samples']} for k, v in channels.items()], 'observations': [{'name': k, 'data': v['data']} for k, v in channels.items()], 'version': utils.SCHEMA_VERSION, } utils.validate(result, 'workspace.json') return result
[docs]def clear_filecache(): global __FILECACHE__ __FILECACHE__ = {}