
class pyhf.infer.calculators.AsymptoticCalculator(data, pdf, init_pars=None, par_bounds=None, fixed_params=None, test_stat='qtilde', calc_base_dist='normal')[source]

Bases: object

The Asymptotic Calculator.

__init__(data, pdf, init_pars=None, par_bounds=None, fixed_params=None, test_stat='qtilde', calc_base_dist='normal')[source]

Asymptotic Calculator.

  • data (tensor) – The observed data.

  • pdf (Model) – The statistical model adhering to the schema model.json.

  • init_pars (tensor of float) – The starting values of the model parameters for minimization.

  • par_bounds (tensor) – The extrema of values the model parameters are allowed to reach in the fit. The shape should be (n, 2) for n model parameters.

  • fixed_params (tensor of bool) – The flag to set a parameter constant to its starting value during minimization.

  • test_stat (str) –

    The test statistic to use as a numerical summary of the data: 'qtilde', 'q', or 'q0'.

    • 'qtilde': (default) performs the calculation using the alternative test statistic, \(\tilde{q}_{\mu}\), as defined under the Wald approximation in Equation (62) of [1007.1727] (qmu_tilde()).

    • 'q': performs the calculation using the test statistic \(q_{\mu}\) (qmu()).

    • 'q0': performs the calculation using the discovery test statistic \(q_{0}\) (q0()).

  • calc_base_dist (str) –

    The statistical distribution, 'normal' or 'clipped_normal', to use for calculating the \(p\)-values.

    • 'normal': (default) use the full Normal distribution in \(\hat{\mu}/\sigma\) space. Note that expected limits may correspond to unphysical test statistics from scenarios with the expected \(\hat{\mu} > \mu\).

    • 'clipped_normal': use a clipped Normal distribution in \(\hat{\mu}/\sigma\) space to avoid expected limits that correspond to scenarios with the expected \(\hat{\mu} > \mu\). This will properly cap the test statistic at 0, as noted in Equation (14) and Equation (16) in [1007.1727].

    The choice of calc_base_dist only affects the \(p\)-values for expected limits, and the default value will be changed in a future release.


The calculator for asymptotic quantities.

Return type




Probability distributions of the test statistic, as defined in \(\S\) 3 of [1007.1727] under the Wald approximation, under the signal + background and background-only hypotheses.


>>> import pyhf
>>> pyhf.set_backend("numpy")
>>> model = pyhf.simplemodels.hepdata_like(
...     signal_data=[12.0, 11.0], bkg_data=[50.0, 52.0], bkg_uncerts=[3.0, 7.0]
... )
>>> observations = [51, 48]
>>> data = observations + model.config.auxdata
>>> mu_test = 1.0
>>> asymptotic_calculator = pyhf.infer.calculators.AsymptoticCalculator(data, model, test_stat="qtilde")
>>> _ = asymptotic_calculator.teststatistic(mu_test)
>>> sig_plus_bkg_dist, bkg_dist = asymptotic_calculator.distributions(mu_test)
>>> sig_plus_bkg_dist.pvalue(mu_test), bkg_dist.pvalue(mu_test)
(array(0.00219262), array(0.15865525))

poi_test (float or tensor) – The value for the parameter of interest.


The distributions under the hypotheses.

Return type

Tuple (AsymptoticTestStatDistribution)

expected_pvalues(sig_plus_bkg_distribution, bkg_only_distribution)[source]

Calculate the \(\mathrm{CL}_{s}\) values corresponding to the median significance of variations of the signal strength from the background only hypothesis \(\left(\mu=0\right)\) at \((-2,-1,0,1,2)\sigma\).


>>> import pyhf
>>> pyhf.set_backend("numpy")
>>> model = pyhf.simplemodels.hepdata_like(
...     signal_data=[12.0, 11.0], bkg_data=[50.0, 52.0], bkg_uncerts=[3.0, 7.0]
... )
>>> observations = [51, 48]
>>> data = observations + model.config.auxdata
>>> mu_test = 1.0
>>> asymptotic_calculator = pyhf.infer.calculators.AsymptoticCalculator(
...     data, model, test_stat="qtilde"
... )
>>> _ = asymptotic_calculator.teststatistic(mu_test)
>>> sig_plus_bkg_dist, bkg_dist = asymptotic_calculator.distributions(mu_test)
>>> CLsb_exp_band, CLb_exp_band, CLs_exp_band = asymptotic_calculator.expected_pvalues(sig_plus_bkg_dist, bkg_dist)
>>> CLs_exp_band
[array(0.00260626), array(0.01382005), array(0.06445321), array(0.23525644), array(0.57303621)]

The \(p\)-values for the test statistic corresponding to the \(\mathrm{CL}_{s+b}\), \(\mathrm{CL}_{b}\), and \(\mathrm{CL}_{s}\).

Return type

Tuple (tensor)

pvalues(teststat, sig_plus_bkg_distribution, bkg_only_distribution)[source]

Calculate the \(p\)-values for the observed test statistic under the signal + background and background-only model hypotheses.


>>> import pyhf
>>> pyhf.set_backend("numpy")
>>> model = pyhf.simplemodels.hepdata_like(
...     signal_data=[12.0, 11.0], bkg_data=[50.0, 52.0], bkg_uncerts=[3.0, 7.0]
... )
>>> observations = [51, 48]
>>> data = observations + model.config.auxdata
>>> mu_test = 1.0
>>> asymptotic_calculator = pyhf.infer.calculators.AsymptoticCalculator(
...     data, model, test_stat="qtilde"
... )
>>> q_tilde = asymptotic_calculator.teststatistic(mu_test)
>>> sig_plus_bkg_dist, bkg_dist = asymptotic_calculator.distributions(mu_test)
>>> CLsb, CLb, CLs = asymptotic_calculator.pvalues(q_tilde, sig_plus_bkg_dist, bkg_dist)
>>> CLsb, CLb, CLs
(array(0.02332502), array(0.4441594), array(0.05251497))

The \(p\)-values for the test statistic corresponding to the \(\mathrm{CL}_{s+b}\), \(\mathrm{CL}_{b}\), and \(\mathrm{CL}_{s}\).

Return type

Tuple (tensor)


Compute the test statistic for the observed data under the studied model.


>>> import pyhf
>>> pyhf.set_backend("numpy")
>>> model = pyhf.simplemodels.hepdata_like(
...     signal_data=[12.0, 11.0], bkg_data=[50.0, 52.0], bkg_uncerts=[3.0, 7.0]
... )
>>> observations = [51, 48]
>>> data = observations + model.config.auxdata
>>> mu_test = 1.0
>>> asymptotic_calculator = pyhf.infer.calculators.AsymptoticCalculator(data, model, test_stat="qtilde")
>>> asymptotic_calculator.teststatistic(mu_test)

poi_test (float or tensor) – The value for the parameter of interest.


The value of the test statistic.

Return type
