Source code for pyhf.modifiers.shapefactor

import logging

from . import modifier
from .. import get_backend, default_backend, events
from ..parameters import unconstrained, ParamViewer

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@modifier(name='shapefactor', op_code='multiplication') class shapefactor(object):
[docs] @classmethod def required_parset(cls, sample_data, modifier_data): return { 'paramset_type': unconstrained, 'n_parameters': len(sample_data), 'modifier': cls.__name__, 'is_constrained': cls.is_constrained, 'is_shared': True, 'inits': (1.0,) * len(sample_data), 'bounds': ((0.0, 10.0),) * len(sample_data), }
class shapefactor_combined(object): def __init__(self, shapefactor_mods, pdfconfig, mega_mods, batch_size=None): """ Imagine a situation where we have 2 channels (SR, CR), 3 samples (sig1, bkg1, bkg2), and 2 shapefactor modifiers (coupled_shapefactor, uncoupled_shapefactor). Let's say this is the set-up: SR(nbins=2) sig1 -> subscribes to normfactor bkg1 -> subscribes to coupled_shapefactor CR(nbins=3) bkg2 -> subscribes to coupled_shapefactor, uncoupled_shapefactor The coupled_shapefactor needs to have 3 nuisance parameters to account for the CR, with 2 of them shared in the SR. The uncoupled_shapefactor just has 3 nuisance parameters. self._parindices will look like [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] self._shapefactor_indices will look like [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] ^^^^^^^ = coupled_shapefactor ^^^^^^^ = uncoupled_shapefactor with the 0th par-index corresponding to the normfactor. Because channel1 has 2 bins, and channel2 has 3 bins (with channel1 before channel2), global_concatenated_bin_indices looks like [0, 1, 0, 1, 2] ^^^^^ = channel1 ^^^^^^^^^ = channel2 So now we need to gather the corresponding shapefactor indices according to global_concatenated_bin_indices. Therefore self._shapefactor_indices now looks like [[1, 2, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 4, 5, 6]] and at that point can be used to compute the effect of shapefactor. """ self.batch_size = batch_size keys = ['{}/{}'.format(mtype, m) for m, mtype in shapefactor_mods] shapefactor_mods = [m for m, _ in shapefactor_mods] parfield_shape = (self.batch_size or 1, pdfconfig.npars) self.param_viewer = ParamViewer( parfield_shape, pdfconfig.par_map, shapefactor_mods ) self._shapefactor_mask = [ [[mega_mods[m][s]['data']['mask']] for s in pdfconfig.samples] for m in keys ] global_concatenated_bin_indices = [ [[j for c in pdfconfig.channels for j in range(pdfconfig.channel_nbins[c])]] ] self._access_field = default_backend.tile( global_concatenated_bin_indices, (len(shapefactor_mods), self.batch_size or 1, 1), ) # acess field is now # e.g. for a 3 channnel (3 bins, 2 bins, 5 bins) model # [ # [0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 3 4] (number of rows according to batch_size but at least 1) # [0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 3 4] # [0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 3 4] # ] # the index selection of param_viewer is a # list of (batch_size, par_slice) tensors # so self.param_viewer.index_selection[s][t] # points to the indices for a given systematic # at a given position in the batch # we thus populate the access field with these indices # up to the point where we run out of bins (in case) # the paramset slice is larger than the number of bins # in which case we use a dummy index that will be masked # anyways in apply (here: 0) # access field is shape (sys, batch, globalbin) for s, syst_access in enumerate(self._access_field): for t, batch_access in enumerate(syst_access): selection = self.param_viewer.index_selection[s][t] for b, bin_access in enumerate(batch_access): self._access_field[s, t, b] = ( selection[bin_access] if bin_access < len(selection) else 0 ) self._precompute() events.subscribe('tensorlib_changed')(self._precompute) def _precompute(self): if not self.param_viewer.index_selection: return tensorlib, _ = get_backend() self.shapefactor_mask = tensorlib.tile( tensorlib.astensor(self._shapefactor_mask, dtype="bool"), (1, 1, self.batch_size or 1, 1), ) self.access_field = tensorlib.astensor(self._access_field, dtype='int') self.shapefactor_default = tensorlib.ones( tensorlib.shape(self.shapefactor_mask) ) self.sample_ones = tensorlib.ones(tensorlib.shape(self.shapefactor_mask)[1]) def apply(self, pars): ''' Returns: modification tensor: Shape (n_modifiers, n_global_samples, n_alphas, n_global_bin) ''' if not self.param_viewer.index_selection: return tensorlib, _ = get_backend() if self.batch_size is None: flat_pars = pars else: flat_pars = tensorlib.reshape(pars, (-1,)) shapefactors = tensorlib.gather(flat_pars, self.access_field) results_shapefactor = tensorlib.einsum( 'mab,s->msab', shapefactors, self.sample_ones ) results_shapefactor = tensorlib.where( self.shapefactor_mask, results_shapefactor, self.shapefactor_default ) return results_shapefactor