Source code for pyhf.probability

"""The probability density function module."""
from pyhf import get_backend

__all__ = ["Independent", "Normal", "Poisson", "Simultaneous"]

def __dir__():
    return __all__

class _SimpleDistributionMixin:
    """The mixin class for distributions."""

    def log_prob(self, value):
        The log of the probability density function at the given value.

            value (:obj:`tensor` or :obj:`float`): The value at which to evaluate the distribution

            Tensor: The value of :math:`\log(f\left(x\middle|\theta\right))` for :math:`x=`:code:`value`

        return self._pdf.log_prob(value)

    def expected_data(self):
        The expectation value of the probability density function.

            Tensor: The expectation value of the distribution :math:`\mathrm{E}\left[f(\theta)\right]`

        return self._pdf.expected_data()

    def sample(self, sample_shape=()):
        The collection of values sampled from the probability density function.

            sample_shape (:obj:`tuple`): The shape of the sample to be returned

            Tensor: The values :math:`x \sim f(\theta)` where :math:`x` has shape :code:`sample_shape`

        return self._pdf.sample(sample_shape)

[docs]class Poisson(_SimpleDistributionMixin): r""" The Poisson distribution with rate parameter :code:`rate`. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> rates = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([5, 8]) >>> pyhf.probability.Poisson(rates) <pyhf.probability.Poisson object at 0x...> """
[docs] def __init__(self, rate): """ Args: rate (:obj:`tensor` or :obj:`float`): The mean of the Poisson distribution (the expected number of events) """ tensorlib, _ = get_backend() self.rate = rate self._pdf = tensorlib.poisson_dist(rate)
[docs] def expected_data(self): r""" The expectation value of the Poisson distribution. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> rates = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([5, 8]) >>> poissons = pyhf.probability.Poisson(rates) >>> poissons.expected_data() array([5., 8.]) Returns: Tensor: The mean of the Poisson distribution (which is the :code:`rate`) """ return self.rate
[docs]class Normal(_SimpleDistributionMixin): r""" The Normal distribution with mean :code:`loc` and standard deviation :code:`scale`. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> means = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([5, 8]) >>> stds = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([1, 0.5]) >>> pyhf.probability.Normal(means, stds) <pyhf.probability.Normal object at 0x...> """
[docs] def __init__(self, loc, scale): """ Args: loc (:obj:`tensor` or :obj:`float`): The mean of the Normal distribution scale (:obj:`tensor` or :obj:`float`): The standard deviation of the Normal distribution """ tensorlib, _ = get_backend() self.loc = loc self.scale = scale self._pdf = tensorlib.normal_dist(loc, scale)
[docs] def expected_data(self): r""" The expectation value of the Normal distribution. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> means = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([5, 8]) >>> stds = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([1, 0.5]) >>> normals = pyhf.probability.Normal(means, stds) >>> normals.expected_data() array([5., 8.]) Returns: Tensor: The mean of the Normal distribution (which is the :code:`loc`) """ return self.loc
[docs]class Independent(_SimpleDistributionMixin): """ A probability density corresponding to the joint distribution of a batch of identically distributed random variables. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import numpy.random as random >>> random.seed(0) >>> rates = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([10.0, 10.0]) >>> poissons = pyhf.probability.Poisson(rates) >>> independent = pyhf.probability.Independent(poissons) >>> independent.sample() array([10, 11]) """
[docs] def __init__(self, batched_pdf, batch_size=None): """ Args: batched_pdf (:obj:`pyhf.probability` distribution): The batch of pdfs of the same type (e.g. Poisson) batch_size (:obj:`int`): The size of the batch """ self.batch_size = batch_size self._pdf = batched_pdf
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): r""" The log of the probability density function at the given value. As the distribution is a joint distribution of the same type, this is the sum of the log probabilities of each of the distributions the compose the joint. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import numpy.random as random >>> random.seed(0) >>> rates = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([10.0, 10.0]) >>> poissons = pyhf.probability.Poisson(rates) >>> independent = pyhf.probability.Independent(poissons) >>> values = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([8.0, 9.0]) >>> independent.log_prob(values) -4.26248380... >>> broadcast_value = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([11.0]) >>> independent.log_prob(broadcast_value) -4.34774364... Args: value (:obj:`tensor` or :obj:`float`): The value at which to evaluate the distribution Returns: Tensor: The value of :math:`\log(f\left(x\middle|\theta\right))` for :math:`x=`:code:`value` """ tensorlib, _ = get_backend() result = super().log_prob(value) result = tensorlib.sum(result, axis=-1) return result
[docs]class Simultaneous: """ A probability density corresponding to the joint distribution of multiple non-identical component distributions Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import numpy.random as random >>> from pyhf.tensor.common import _TensorViewer >>> random.seed(0) >>> poissons = pyhf.probability.Poisson(pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([1.,100.])) >>> normals = pyhf.probability.Normal(pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([1.,100.]), pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([1.,2.])) >>> tv = _TensorViewer([[0,2],[1,3]]) >>> sim = pyhf.probability.Simultaneous([poissons,normals], tv) >>> sim.sample((4,)) array([[ 2. , 1.3130677 , 101. , 98.29180852], [ 1. , -1.55298982, 97. , 101.30723719], [ 1. , 1.8644362 , 118. , 98.51566996], [ 0. , 3.26975462, 99. , 97.09126865]]) """
[docs] def __init__(self, pdfobjs, tensorview, batch_size=None): """ Construct a simultaneous pdf. Args: pdfobjs (:class:`Distribution`): The constituent pdf objects tensorview (:class:`_TensorViewer`): The :code:`_TensorViewer` defining the data composition batch_size (:obj:`int`): The size of the batch """ = tensorview self._pdfobjs = pdfobjs self.batch_size = batch_size
def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over the constituent pdf objects Returns: pdfobj (:class:`Distribution`): A constituent pdf object """ yield from self._pdfobjs def __getitem__(self, index): """ Access the constituent pdf object at the specified index Args: index (:obj:`int`): The index to access the constituent pdf object Returns: pdfobj (:class:`Distribution`): A constituent pdf object """ return self._pdfobjs[index]
[docs] def expected_data(self): r""" The expectation value of the probability density function. Returns: Tensor: The expectation value of the distribution :math:`\mathrm{E}\left[f(\theta)\right]` """ tostitch = [p.expected_data() for p in self] return
[docs] def sample(self, sample_shape=()): r""" The collection of values sampled from the probability density function. Args: sample_shape (:obj:`tuple`): The shape of the sample to be returned Returns: Tensor: The values :math:`x \sim f(\theta)` where :math:`x` has shape :code:`sample_shape` """ return[p.sample(sample_shape) for p in self])
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): r""" The log of the probability density function at the given value. Args: value (:obj:`tensor`): The observed value Returns: Tensor: The value of :math:`\log(f\left(x\middle|\theta\right))` for :math:`x=`:code:`value` """ constituent_data = pdfvals = [p.log_prob(d) for p, d in zip(self, constituent_data)] return Simultaneous._joint_logpdf(pdfvals, batch_size=self.batch_size)
[docs] @staticmethod def _joint_logpdf(terms, batch_size=None): tensorlib, _ = get_backend() if len(terms) == 1: return terms[0] if len(terms) == 2 and batch_size is None: return terms[0] + terms[1] terms = tensorlib.stack(terms) return tensorlib.sum(terms, axis=0)