Source code for pyhf.utils

import json
import jsonschema
import pkg_resources
from pathlib import Path
import yaml
import click
import hashlib

from .exceptions import InvalidSpecification


[docs]def load_schema(schema_id, version=None): global SCHEMA_CACHE if not version: version = SCHEMA_VERSION try: return SCHEMA_CACHE[f'{SCHEMA_BASE}{Path(version).joinpath(schema_id)}'] except KeyError: pass path = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, str(Path('schemas').joinpath(version, schema_id)) ) with open(path) as json_schema: schema = json.load(json_schema) SCHEMA_CACHE[schema['$id']] = schema return SCHEMA_CACHE[schema['$id']]
# load the defs.json as it is included by $ref load_schema('defs.json')
[docs]def validate(spec, schema_name, version=None): schema = load_schema(schema_name, version=version) try: resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver( base_uri='file://{0:s}'.format( pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'schemas/') ), referrer=schema_name, store=SCHEMA_CACHE, ) validator = jsonschema.Draft6Validator( schema, resolver=resolver, format_checker=None ) return validator.validate(spec) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: raise InvalidSpecification(err, schema_name)
[docs]def options_from_eqdelimstring(opts): document = '\n'.join('{0}: {1}'.format(*opt.split('=', 1)) for opt in opts) return yaml.full_load(document)
class EqDelimStringParamType(click.ParamType): name = 'equal-delimited option' def convert(self, value, param, ctx): try: return options_from_eqdelimstring([value]) except IndexError: '{0:s} is not a valid equal-delimited string'.format(value), param, ctx )
[docs]def digest(obj, algorithm='sha256'): """ Get the digest for the provided object. Note: object must be JSON-serializable. The hashing algorithms supported are in :mod:`hashlib`, part of Python's Standard Libraries. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> obj = {'a': 2.0, 'b': 3.0, 'c': 1.0} >>> pyhf.utils.digest(obj) 'a38f6093800189b79bc22ef677baf90c75705af2cfc7ff594159eca54eaa7928' >>> pyhf.utils.digest(obj, algorithm='md5') '2c0633f242928eb55c3672fed5ba8612' >>> pyhf.utils.digest(obj, algorithm='sha1') '49a27f499e763766c9545b294880df277be6f545' Raises: ValueError: If the object is not JSON-serializable or if the algorithm is not supported. Args: obj (:obj:`jsonable`): A JSON-serializable object to compute the digest of. Usually a :class:`~pyhf.workspace.Workspace` object. algorithm (:obj:`str`): The hashing algorithm to use. Returns: digest (:obj:`str`): The digest for the JSON-serialized object provided and hash algorithm specified. """ try: stringified = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8') except TypeError: raise ValueError( "The supplied object is not JSON-serializable for calculating a hash." ) try: hash_alg = getattr(hashlib, algorithm) except AttributeError: raise ValueError( f"{algorithm} is not an algorithm provided by Python's hashlib library." ) return hash_alg(stringified).hexdigest()
def remove_prefix(text, prefix): """ Remove a prefix from the beginning of the provided text. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> pyhf.utils.remove_prefix("alpha_syst1", "alpha_") 'syst1' Args: text (:obj:`str`): A provided input to manipulate. prefix (:obj:`str`): A prefix to remove from provided input, if it exists. Returns: stripped_text (:obj:`str`): Text with the prefix removed. """ # NB: python3.9 can be `return text.removeprefix(prefix)` if text.startswith(prefix): return text[len(prefix) :] return text