Use and Citations


The preferred BibTeX entry for citation of pyhf is

  author = "{Heinrich, Lukas and Feickert, Matthew and Stark, Giordon}",
  title = "{pyhf: v0.4.1}",
  version = {0.4.1},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1169739},
  url = {},

Use in Publications

Updating list of citations and use cases of pyhf:

  • G. Brooijmans and others. Les Houches 2019 Physics at TeV Colliders: New Physics Working Group Report. In 2020. arXiv:2002.12220.

  • Lukas Heinrich, Holger Schulz, Jessica Turner, and Ye-Ling Zhou. Constraining A₄ Leptonic Flavour Model Parameters at Colliders and Beyond. 2018. arXiv:1810.05648.

  • ATLAS Collaboration. Reproducing searches for new physics with the ATLAS experiment through publication of full statistical likelihoods. Geneva, Aug 2019. URL:

Published Likelihoods

Updating list of HEPData entries for publications using HistFactory JSON likelihoods: