Source code for pyhf.tensor.tensorflow_backend

import logging
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class tensorflow_backend(object): """TensorFlow backend for pyhf"""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.session = kwargs.get('session') = 'tensorflow'
[docs] def clip(self, tensor_in, min_value, max_value): """ Clips (limits) the tensor values to be within a specified min and max. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() ... >>> pyhf.set_backend("tensorflow", _session=sess) >>> a = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) >>> with sess.as_default(): ..., -1, 1)) ... array([-1., -1., 0., 1., 1.], dtype=float32) Args: tensor_in (`tensor`): The input tensor object min_value (`scalar` or `tensor` or `None`): The minimum value to be cliped to max_value (`scalar` or `tensor` or `None`): The maximum value to be cliped to Returns: TensorFlow Tensor: A clipped `tensor` """ if min_value is None: min_value = tf.reduce_min(tensor_in) if max_value is None: max_value = tf.reduce_max(tensor_in) return tf.clip_by_value(tensor_in, min_value, max_value)
[docs] def tile(self, tensor_in, repeats): """ Repeat tensor data along a specific dimension Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() ... >>> pyhf.set_backend("tensorflow", _session=sess) >>> a = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([[1.0], [2.0]]) >>> with sess.as_default(): ..., (1, 2))) ... array([[1., 1.], [2., 2.]], dtype=float32) Args: tensor_in (`Tensor`): The tensor to be repeated repeats (`Tensor`): The tuple of multipliers for each dimension Returns: TensorFlow Tensor: The tensor with repeated axes """ return tf.tile(tensor_in, repeats)
[docs] def conditional(self, predicate, true_callable, false_callable): """ Runs a callable conditional on the boolean value of the evaulation of a predicate Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() ... >>> pyhf.set_backend("tensorflow", _session=sess) >>> tensorlib = pyhf.tensorlib >>> a = tensorlib.astensor([4]) >>> b = tensorlib.astensor([5]) >>> compare = tensorlib.conditional((a < b)[0], lambda: a + b, lambda: a - b) >>> with sess.as_default(): ... ... array([9.], dtype=float32) Args: predicate (`scalar`): The logical condition that determines which callable to evaluate true_callable (`callable`): The callable that is evaluated when the :code:`predicate` evalutes to :code:`true` false_callable (`callable`): The callable that is evaluated when the :code:`predicate` evalutes to :code:`false` Returns: TensorFlow Tensor: The output of the callable that was evaluated """ return tf.cond(predicate, true_callable, false_callable)
[docs] def tolist(self, tensor_in): try: return except AttributeError as err: if isinstance(tensor_in, list): return tensor_in if "no attribute 'run'" in str(err): raise RuntimeError( 'evaluation of tensor requested via .tolist() but no session defined' ) raise except RuntimeError as err: # if no tensor operations have been added to the graph, but we want # to pass-through a list, then we need to catch the runtime error # First, see if the input tensor is just a vanilla python list and # return it instead if "graph is empty" in str(err) and isinstance(tensor_in, list): return tensor_in raise except TypeError: # if a tensor operation has been added to the graph, but we want to # pass-through a list, we need to catch the type error if isinstance(tensor_in, list): return tensor_in raise
[docs] def outer(self, tensor_in_1, tensor_in_2): tensor_in_1 = ( tensor_in_1 if tensor_in_1.dtype != tf.bool else tf.cast(tensor_in_1, tf.float32) ) tensor_in_1 = ( tensor_in_1 if tensor_in_2.dtype != tf.bool else tf.cast(tensor_in_2, tf.float32) ) return tf.einsum('i,j->ij', tensor_in_1, tensor_in_2)
[docs] def gather(self, tensor, indices): return tf.compat.v2.gather(tensor, indices)
[docs] def boolean_mask(self, tensor, mask): return tf.boolean_mask(tensor, mask)
[docs] def isfinite(self, tensor): return tf.math.is_finite(tensor)
[docs] def astensor(self, tensor_in, dtype='float'): """ Convert to a TensorFlow Tensor. Args: tensor_in (Number or Tensor): Tensor object Returns: `tf.Tensor`: A symbolic handle to one of the outputs of a `tf.Operation`. """ dtypemap = {'float': tf.float32, 'int': tf.int32, 'bool': tf.bool} try: dtype = dtypemap[dtype] except KeyError: log.error('Invalid dtype: dtype must be float, int, or bool.') raise tensor = tensor_in # If already a tensor then done try: tensor.op except AttributeError: tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(tensor_in) # Ensure non-empty tensor shape for consistency try: tensor.shape[0] except IndexError: tensor = tf.reshape(tensor, [1]) if tensor.dtype is not dtype: tensor = tf.cast(tensor, dtype) return tensor
[docs] def sum(self, tensor_in, axis=None): return ( tf.reduce_sum(tensor_in) if (axis is None or tensor_in.shape == tf.TensorShape([])) else tf.reduce_sum(tensor_in, axis) )
[docs] def product(self, tensor_in, axis=None): return ( tf.reduce_prod(tensor_in) if axis is None else tf.reduce_prod(tensor_in, axis) )
[docs] def abs(self, tensor): return tf.abs(tensor)
[docs] def ones(self, shape): return tf.ones(shape)
[docs] def zeros(self, shape): return tf.zeros(shape)
[docs] def power(self, tensor_in_1, tensor_in_2): return tf.pow(tensor_in_1, tensor_in_2)
[docs] def sqrt(self, tensor_in): return tf.sqrt(tensor_in)
[docs] def shape(self, tensor): return tuple(map(int, tensor.shape))
[docs] def reshape(self, tensor, newshape): return tf.reshape(tensor, newshape)
[docs] def divide(self, tensor_in_1, tensor_in_2): return tf.divide(tensor_in_1, tensor_in_2)
[docs] def log(self, tensor_in): return tf.math.log(tensor_in)
[docs] def exp(self, tensor_in): return tf.exp(tensor_in)
[docs] def stack(self, sequence, axis=0): return tf.stack(sequence, axis=axis)
[docs] def where(self, mask, tensor_in_1, tensor_in_2): return tf.compat.v2.where(mask, tensor_in_1, tensor_in_2)
[docs] def concatenate(self, sequence, axis=0): """ Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis. Args: sequence: sequence of tensors axis: dimension along which to concatenate Returns: output: the concatenated tensor """ return tf.concat(sequence, axis=axis)
[docs] def simple_broadcast(self, *args): """ Broadcast a sequence of 1 dimensional arrays. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() ... >>> pyhf.set_backend("tensorflow", _session=sess) >>> tf.Session().run(pyhf.tensorlib.simple_broadcast( ... pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([1]), ... pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([2, 3, 4]), ... pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([5, 6, 7]))) [array([1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32), array([2., 3., 4.], dtype=float32), array([5., 6., 7.], dtype=float32)] Args: args (Array of Tensors): Sequence of arrays Returns: list of Tensors: The sequence broadcast together. """ max_dim = max(map(lambda arg: arg.shape[0], args)) try: assert not [arg for arg in args if 1 < arg.shape[0] < max_dim] except AssertionError as error: log.error( 'ERROR: The arguments must be of compatible size: 1 or %i', max_dim ) raise error broadcast = [ arg if arg.shape[0] > 1 else tf.tile(tf.slice(arg, [0], [1]), tf.stack([max_dim])) for arg in args ] return broadcast
[docs] def einsum(self, subscripts, *operands): """ A generalized contraction between tensors of arbitrary dimension. This function returns a tensor whose elements are defined by equation, which is written in a shorthand form inspired by the Einstein summation convention. Args: subscripts: str, specifies the subscripts for summation operands: list of array_like, these are the tensors for the operation Returns: TensorFlow Tensor: the calculation based on the Einstein summation convention """ return tf.einsum(subscripts, *operands)
[docs] def poisson_logpdf(self, n, lam): r""" The log of the continous approximation, using :math:`n! = \Gamma\left(n+1\right)`, to the probability mass function of the Poisson distribution evaluated at :code:`n` given the parameter :code:`lam`. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() >>> pyhf.set_backend("tensorflow", _session=sess) ... >>> with sess.as_default(): ..., 6.)) ... -1.8286943 >>> values = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([5., 9.]) >>> rates = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([6., 8.]) >>> with sess.as_default(): ..., rates)) ... array([-1.8286943, -2.086854 ], dtype=float32) Args: n (`tensor` or `float`): The value at which to evaluate the approximation to the Poisson distribution p.m.f. (the observed number of events) lam (`tensor` or `float`): The mean of the Poisson distribution p.m.f. (the expected number of events) Returns: TensorFlow Tensor: Value of the continous approximation to log(Poisson(n|lam)) """ return tfp.distributions.Poisson(lam).log_prob(n)
[docs] def poisson(self, n, lam): r""" The continous approximation, using :math:`n! = \Gamma\left(n+1\right)`, to the probability mass function of the Poisson distribution evaluated at :code:`n` given the parameter :code:`lam`. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() >>> pyhf.set_backend("tensorflow", _session=sess) ... >>> with sess.as_default(): ..., 6.)) ... 0.16062315 >>> values = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([5., 9.]) >>> rates = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([6., 8.]) >>> with sess.as_default(): ..., rates)) ... array([0.16062315, 0.12407687], dtype=float32) Args: n (`tensor` or `float`): The value at which to evaluate the approximation to the Poisson distribution p.m.f. (the observed number of events) lam (`tensor` or `float`): The mean of the Poisson distribution p.m.f. (the expected number of events) Returns: TensorFlow Tensor: Value of the continous approximation to Poisson(n|lam) """ return tf.exp(tfp.distributions.Poisson(lam).log_prob(n))
[docs] def normal_logpdf(self, x, mu, sigma): r""" The log of the probability density function of the Normal distribution evaluated at :code:`x` given parameters of mean of :code:`mu` and standard deviation of :code:`sigma`. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() >>> pyhf.set_backend("tensorflow", _session=sess) ... >>> with sess.as_default(): ..., 0., 1.)) ... -1.0439385 >>> values = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([0.5, 2.0]) >>> means = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([0., 2.3]) >>> sigmas = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([1., 0.8]) >>> with sess.as_default(): ..., means, sigmas)) ... array([-1.0439385, -0.7661075], dtype=float32) Args: x (`tensor` or `float`): The value at which to evaluate the Normal distribution p.d.f. mu (`tensor` or `float`): The mean of the Normal distribution sigma (`tensor` or `float`): The standard deviation of the Normal distribution Returns: TensorFlow Tensor: Value of log(Normal(x|mu, sigma)) """ normal = tfp.distributions.Normal(mu, sigma) return normal.log_prob(x)
[docs] def normal(self, x, mu, sigma): r""" The probability density function of the Normal distribution evaluated at :code:`x` given parameters of mean of :code:`mu` and standard deviation of :code:`sigma`. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() >>> pyhf.set_backend("tensorflow", _session=sess) ... >>> with sess.as_default(): ..., 0., 1.)) ... 0.35206532 >>> values = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([0.5, 2.0]) >>> means = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([0., 2.3]) >>> sigmas = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([1., 0.8]) >>> with sess.as_default(): ..., means, sigmas)) ... array([0.35206532, 0.46481887], dtype=float32) Args: x (`tensor` or `float`): The value at which to evaluate the Normal distribution p.d.f. mu (`tensor` or `float`): The mean of the Normal distribution sigma (`tensor` or `float`): The standard deviation of the Normal distribution Returns: TensorFlow Tensor: Value of Normal(x|mu, sigma) """ normal = tfp.distributions.Normal(mu, sigma) return normal.prob(x)
[docs] def normal_cdf(self, x, mu=0, sigma=1): """ The cumulative distribution function for the Normal distribution Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() ... >>> pyhf.set_backend("tensorflow", _session=sess) >>> with sess.as_default(): ... ... 0.7881446 >>> values = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([0.8, 2.0]) >>> with sess.as_default(): ... ... array([0.7881446 , 0.97724986], dtype=float32) Args: x (`tensor` or `float`): The observed value of the random variable to evaluate the CDF for mu (`tensor` or `float`): The mean of the Normal distribution sigma (`tensor` or `float`): The standard deviation of the Normal distribution Returns: TensorFlow Tensor: The CDF """ normal = tfp.distributions.Normal(mu, sigma) return normal.cdf(x)
[docs] def poisson_dist(self, rate): r""" The Poisson distribution with rate parameter :code:`rate`. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() ... >>> pyhf.set_backend("tensorflow", _session=sess) >>> rates = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([5, 8]) >>> values = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([4, 9]) >>> poissons = pyhf.tensorlib.poisson_dist(rates) >>> with sess.as_default(): ... ... array([-1.7403021, -2.086854 ], dtype=float32) Args: rate (`tensor` or `float`): The mean of the Poisson distribution (the expected number of events) Returns: TensorFlow Probability Poisson distribution: The Poisson distribution class """ return tfp.distributions.Poisson(rate)
[docs] def normal_dist(self, mu, sigma): r""" The Normal distribution with mean :code:`mu` and standard deviation :code:`sigma`. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() ... >>> pyhf.set_backend("tensorflow", _session=sess) >>> means = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([5, 8]) >>> stds = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([1, 0.5]) >>> values = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([4, 9]) >>> normals = pyhf.tensorlib.normal_dist(means, stds) >>> with sess.as_default(): ... ... array([-1.4189385, -2.2257915], dtype=float32) Args: mu (`tensor` or `float`): The mean of the Normal distribution sigma (`tensor` or `float`): The standard deviation of the Normal distribution Returns: TensorFlow Probability Normal distribution: The Normal distribution class """ return tfp.distributions.Normal(mu, sigma)