
%pylab inline
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
import logging
import json

import pyhf
from pyhf import Model

logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO)
def prep_data(sourcedata):
    spec =  {
        'channels': [
                'name': 'signal',
                'samples': [
                        'name': 'signal',
                        'data': sourcedata['signal']['bindata']['sig'],
                        'modifiers': [
                                'name': 'mu',
                                'type': 'normfactor',
                                'data': None
                        'name': 'bkg1',
                        'data': sourcedata['signal']['bindata']['bkg1'],
                        'modifiers': [
                                'name': 'coupled_shapefactor',
                                'type': 'shapefactor',
                                'data': None
                'name': 'control',
                'samples': [
                        'name': 'background',
                        'data': sourcedata['control']['bindata']['bkg1'],
                        'modifiers': [
                                'name': 'coupled_shapefactor',
                                'type': 'shapefactor',
                                'data': None
    pdf  = Model(spec)
    data = []
    for c in pdf.spec['channels']:
        data += sourcedata[c['name']]['bindata']['data']
    data = data + pdf.config.auxdata
    return data, pdf
source = {
  "channels": {
    "signal": {
      "binning": [2,-0.5,1.5],
      "bindata": {
        "data":     [220.0, 230.0],
        "bkg1":     [100.0, 70.0],
        "sig":      [ 20.0, 20.0]
    "control": {
      "binning": [2,-0.5,1.5],
      "bindata": {
        "data":    [200.0, 300.0],
        "bkg1":    [100.0, 100.0]

data, pdf = prep_data(source['channels'])
print('data: {}'.format(data))

init_pars = pdf.config.suggested_init()
print('expected data: {}'.format(pdf.expected_data(init_pars)))

par_bounds = pdf.config.suggested_bounds()
INFO:pyhf.pdf:Validating spec against schema: /home/jovyan/pyhf/src/pyhf/data/spec.json
INFO:pyhf.pdf:adding modifier mu (1 new nuisance parameters)
INFO:pyhf.pdf:adding modifier coupled_shapefactor (2 new nuisance parameters)
data: [220.0, 230.0, 200.0, 300.0]
expected data: [120.  90. 100. 100.]
print('initialization parameters: {}'.format(pdf.config.suggested_init()))

unconpars = pyhf.optimizer.unconstrained_bestfit(pyhf.utils.loglambdav, data, pdf,
                                                 pdf.config.suggested_init(), pdf.config.suggested_bounds())
print('parameters post unconstrained fit: {}'.format(unconpars))
initialization parameters: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
parameters post unconstrained fit: [0.99981412 2.00002042 3.00006469]
/home/jovyan/pyhf/src/pyhf/tensor/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  return n * np.log(lam) - lam - gammaln(n + 1.0)
def plot_results(testmus, cls_obs, cls_exp, poi_tests, test_size = 0.05):
    plt.plot(poi_tests,cls_obs, c = 'k')
    for i,c in zip(range(5),['grey','grey','grey','grey','grey']):
        plt.plot(poi_tests, cls_exp[i], c = c)
    plt.plot(testmus,[test_size]*len(testmus), c = 'r')

def invert_interval(test_mus, cls_obs, cls_exp, test_size=0.05):
    crossing_test_stats = {'exp': [], 'obs': None}
    for cls_exp_sigma in cls_exp:
                test_size, list(reversed(cls_exp_sigma)), list(reversed(test_mus))
    crossing_test_stats['obs'] = np.interp(
        test_size, list(reversed(cls_obs)), list(reversed(test_mus))
    return crossing_test_stats

poi_tests = np.linspace(0, 5, 61)
tests = [pyhf.utils.hypotest(poi_test, data, pdf, init_pars, par_bounds, return_expected_set=True)
         for poi_test in poi_tests]
cls_obs = np.array([test[0] for test in tests]).flatten()
cls_exp = [np.array([test[1][i] for test in tests]).flatten() for i in range(5)]

plot_results(poi_tests, cls_obs, cls_exp, poi_tests)
invert_interval(poi_tests, cls_obs, cls_exp)

{'exp': [0.741381412468345,
 'obs': 2.1945970333027187}