Source code for pyhf.interpolators.code4

import logging
import math
from .. import get_backend, default_backend
from .. import events
from . import _slow_interpolator_looper

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class code4(object): r""" The polynomial interpolation and exponential extrapolation strategy. .. math:: \sigma_{sb} (\vec{\alpha}) = \sigma_{sb}^0(\vec{\alpha}) \underbrace{\prod_{p \in \text{Syst}} I_\text{poly|exp.} (\alpha_p; \sigma_{sb}^0, \sigma_{psb}^+, \sigma_{psb}^-, \alpha_0)}_\text{factors to calculate} with .. math:: I_\text{poly|exp.}(\alpha; I^0, I^+, I^-, \alpha_0) = \begin{cases} \left(\frac{I^+}{I^0}\right)^{\alpha} \qquad \alpha \geq \alpha_0\\ 1 + \sum_{i=1}^6 a_i \alpha^i \qquad |\alpha| < \alpha_0 \\ \left(\frac{I^-}{I^0}\right)^{-\alpha} \qquad \alpha < -\alpha_0 \end{cases} and the :math:`a_i` are fixed by the boundary conditions .. math:: \sigma_{sb}(\alpha=\pm\alpha_0), \left.\frac{\mathrm{d}\sigma_{sb}}{\mathrm{d}\alpha}\right|_{\alpha=\pm\alpha_0}, \mathrm{ and } \left.\frac{\mathrm{d}^2\sigma_{sb}}{\mathrm{d}\alpha^2}\right|_{\alpha=\pm\alpha_0}. Namely that :math:`\sigma_{sb}(\vec{\alpha})` is continuous, and its first- and second-order derivatives are continuous as well. """
[docs] def __init__(self, histogramssets, subscribe=True, alpha0=1): # alpha0 is assumed to be positive and non-zero. If alpha0 == 0, then # we cannot calculate the coefficients (e.g. determinant == 0) assert alpha0 > 0 self.__alpha0 = alpha0 # nb: this should never be a tensor, store in default backend (e.g. numpy) self._histogramssets = default_backend.astensor(histogramssets) # initial shape will be (nsysts, 1) self.alphasets_shape = (self._histogramssets.shape[0], 1) # precompute terms that only depend on the histogramssets self._deltas_up = default_backend.divide( self._histogramssets[:, :, 2], self._histogramssets[:, :, 1] ) self._deltas_dn = default_backend.divide( self._histogramssets[:, :, 0], self._histogramssets[:, :, 1] ) self._broadcast_helper = default_backend.ones( default_backend.shape(self._deltas_up) ) self._alpha0 = self._broadcast_helper * self.__alpha0 deltas_up_alpha0 = default_backend.power(self._deltas_up, self._alpha0) deltas_dn_alpha0 = default_backend.power(self._deltas_dn, self._alpha0) # x = A^{-1} b A_inverse = default_backend.astensor( [ [ 15.0 / (16 * alpha0), -15.0 / (16 * alpha0), -7.0 / 16, -7.0 / 16, 1.0 / 16 * alpha0, -1.0 / 16 * alpha0, ], [ 3.0 / (2 * alpha0 ** 2), 3.0 / (2 * alpha0 ** 2), -9.0 / (16 * alpha0), 9.0 / (16 * alpha0), 1.0 / 16, 1.0 / 16, ], [ -5.0 / (8 * alpha0 ** 3), 5.0 / (8 * alpha0 ** 3), 5.0 / (8 * alpha0 ** 2), 5.0 / (8 * alpha0 ** 2), -1.0 / (8 * alpha0), 1.0 / (8 * alpha0), ], [ 3.0 / (-2 * alpha0 ** 4), 3.0 / (-2 * alpha0 ** 4), -7.0 / (-8 * alpha0 ** 3), 7.0 / (-8 * alpha0 ** 3), -1.0 / (8 * alpha0 ** 2), -1.0 / (8 * alpha0 ** 2), ], [ 3.0 / (16 * alpha0 ** 5), -3.0 / (16 * alpha0 ** 5), -3.0 / (16 * alpha0 ** 4), -3.0 / (16 * alpha0 ** 4), 1.0 / (16 * alpha0 ** 3), -1.0 / (16 * alpha0 ** 3), ], [ 1.0 / (2 * alpha0 ** 6), 1.0 / (2 * alpha0 ** 6), -5.0 / (16 * alpha0 ** 5), 5.0 / (16 * alpha0 ** 5), 1.0 / (16 * alpha0 ** 4), 1.0 / (16 * alpha0 ** 4), ], ] ) b = default_backend.stack( [ deltas_up_alpha0 - self._broadcast_helper, deltas_dn_alpha0 - self._broadcast_helper, default_backend.log(self._deltas_up) * deltas_up_alpha0, -default_backend.log(self._deltas_dn) * deltas_dn_alpha0, default_backend.power(default_backend.log(self._deltas_up), 2) * deltas_up_alpha0, default_backend.power(default_backend.log(self._deltas_dn), 2) * deltas_dn_alpha0, ] ) self._coefficients = default_backend.einsum( 'rc,shb,cshb->rshb', A_inverse, self._broadcast_helper, b ) self._precompute() if subscribe: events.subscribe('tensorlib_changed')(self._precompute)
def _precompute(self): tensorlib, _ = get_backend() self.deltas_up = tensorlib.astensor(self._deltas_up) self.deltas_dn = tensorlib.astensor(self._deltas_dn) self.broadcast_helper = tensorlib.astensor(self._broadcast_helper) self.alpha0 = tensorlib.astensor(self._alpha0) self.coefficients = tensorlib.astensor(self._coefficients) self.bases_up = tensorlib.einsum( 'sa,shb->shab', tensorlib.ones(self.alphasets_shape), self.deltas_up ) self.bases_dn = tensorlib.einsum( 'sa,shb->shab', tensorlib.ones(self.alphasets_shape), self.deltas_dn ) self.mask_on = tensorlib.ones(self.alphasets_shape) self.mask_off = tensorlib.zeros(self.alphasets_shape) self.ones = tensorlib.einsum( 'sa,shb->shab', self.mask_on, self.broadcast_helper ) return def _precompute_alphasets(self, alphasets_shape): if alphasets_shape == self.alphasets_shape: return tensorlib, _ = get_backend() self.alphasets_shape = alphasets_shape self.bases_up = tensorlib.einsum( 'sa,shb->shab', tensorlib.ones(self.alphasets_shape), self.deltas_up ) self.bases_dn = tensorlib.einsum( 'sa,shb->shab', tensorlib.ones(self.alphasets_shape), self.deltas_dn ) self.mask_on = tensorlib.ones(self.alphasets_shape) self.mask_off = tensorlib.zeros(self.alphasets_shape) self.ones = tensorlib.einsum( 'sa,shb->shab', self.mask_on, self.broadcast_helper ) return def __call__(self, alphasets): tensorlib, _ = get_backend() self._precompute_alphasets(tensorlib.shape(alphasets)) # select where alpha >= alpha0 and produce the mask where_alphasets_gtalpha0 = tensorlib.where( alphasets >= self.__alpha0, self.mask_on, self.mask_off ) masks_gtalpha0 = tensorlib.einsum( 'sa,shb->shab', where_alphasets_gtalpha0, self.broadcast_helper ) # select where alpha > -alpha0 ["not(alpha <= -alpha0)"] and produce the mask where_alphasets_not_ltalpha0 = tensorlib.where( alphasets > -self.__alpha0, self.mask_on, self.mask_off ) masks_not_ltalpha0 = tensorlib.einsum( 'sa,shb->shab', where_alphasets_not_ltalpha0, self.broadcast_helper ) # s: set under consideration (i.e. the modifier) # a: alpha variation # h: histogram affected by modifier # b: bin of histogram exponents = tensorlib.einsum( 'sa,shb->shab', tensorlib.abs(alphasets), self.broadcast_helper ) # for |alpha| >= alpha0, we want to raise the bases to the exponent=alpha # and for |alpha| < alpha0, we want to raise the bases to the exponent=1 masked_exponents = tensorlib.where( exponents >= self.__alpha0, exponents, self.ones ) # we need to produce the terms of alpha^i for summing up alphasets_powers = tensorlib.stack( [ alphasets, tensorlib.power(alphasets, 2), tensorlib.power(alphasets, 3), tensorlib.power(alphasets, 4), tensorlib.power(alphasets, 5), tensorlib.power(alphasets, 6), ] ) # this is the 1 + sum_i a_i alpha^i value_btwn = tensorlib.ones(exponents.shape) + tensorlib.einsum( 'rshb,rsa->shab', self.coefficients, alphasets_powers ) # first, build a result where: # alpha > alpha0 : fill with bases_up # not(alpha > alpha0) : fill with 1 + sum(a_i alpha^i) results_gtalpha0_btwn = tensorlib.where( masks_gtalpha0, self.bases_up, value_btwn ) # then, build a result where: # alpha >= -alpha0 : do nothing (fill with previous result) # not(alpha >= -alpha0): fill with bases_dn bases = tensorlib.where( masks_not_ltalpha0, results_gtalpha0_btwn, self.bases_dn ) return tensorlib.power(bases, masked_exponents)
class _slow_code4(object): """ delta_up**alpha0 = 1 + a1 alpha0 + a2 alpha0^2 + a3 alpha0^3 + a4 alpha0^4 + a5 alpha0^5 + a6 alpha0^6 delta_down**alpha0 = 1 - a1 alpha0 + a2 alpha0^2 - a3 alpha0^3 + a4 alpha0^4 - a5 alpha0^5 + a6 alpha0^6 f[alpha_] := 1 + a1 * alpha + a2 * alpha^2 + a3 * alpha^3 + a4 * alpha^4 + a5 * alpha^5 + a6 * alpha^6 up[alpha_] := delta_up^alpha down[alpha_] := delta_down^(-alpha) We want to find the coefficients a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 by solving: f[alpha0] == up[alpha0] f[-alpha0] == down[-alpha0] f'[alpha0] == up'[alpha0] f'[-alpha0] == down'[-alpha0] f''[alpha0] == up''[alpha0] f''[-alpha0] == down''[-alpha0] Treating this as multiplication with a rank-6 matrix A: A*x = b, where x = [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6] [alpha0, alpha0^2, alpha0^3, alpha0^4, alpha0^5, alpha0^6 ] [a1] = [ delta_up^(alpha0) - 1 ] [-alpha0, alpha0^2, -alpha0^3, alpha0^4, -alpha0^5, alpha0^6 ] [a2] = [ delta_down^(alpha0) - 1 ] [1, 2alpha0, 3alpha0^2, 4alpha0^3, 5alpha0^4, 6alpha0^5 ] [a3] = [ ln(delta_up) delta_up^(alpha0) ] [1, -2alpha0, 3alpha0^2, -4alpha0^3, 5alpha0^4, -6alpha0^5] [a4] = [ - ln(delta_down) delta_down^(alpha0) ] [0, 2, 6alpha0, 12alpha0^2, 20alpha0^3, 30alpha0^4] [a5] = [ ln(delta_up)^2 delta_up^(alpha0) ] [0, 2, -6alpha0, 12alpha0^2, -20alpha0^3, 30alpha0^4] [a6] = [ ln(delta_down)^2 delta_down^(alpha0) ] The determinant of this matrix is -2048*alpha0^15. The trace is 30*alpha0^4+16*alpha0^3+4*alpha0^2+alpha0. Therefore, this matrix is invertible if and only if alpha0 != 0. The inverse of this matrix is (and verifying with [15/(16*alpha0), -15/(16*alpha0), -7/16, -7/16, 1/16*alpha0, -1/16*alpha0 ] [3/(2*alpha0^2), 3/(2*alpha0^2), -9/(16*alpha0), 9/(16*alpha0), 1/16, 1/16 ] [-5/(8*alpha0^3), 5/(8*alpha0^3), 5/(8*alpha0^2), 5/(8*alpha0^2), -1/(8*alpha0), 1/(8*alpha0) ] [3/(-2*alpha0^4), 3/(-2*alpha0^4), -7/(-8*alpha0^3), 7/(-8*alpha0^3), -1/(8*alpha0^2), -1/(8*alpha0^2) ] [3/(16*alpha0^5), -3/(16*alpha0^5), -3/(16*alpha0^4), -3/(16*alpha0^4), 1/(16*alpha0^3), -1/(16*alpha0^3)] [1/(2*alpha0^6), 1/(2*alpha0^6), -5/(16*alpha0^5), 5/(16*alpha0^5), 1/(16*alpha0^4), 1/(16*alpha0^4) ] """ def product(self, down, nom, up, alpha): delta_up = up / nom delta_down = down / nom if alpha >= self.alpha0: delta = delta_up ** alpha elif -self.alpha0 < alpha < self.alpha0: delta_up_alpha0 = delta_up ** self.alpha0 delta_down_alpha0 = delta_down ** self.alpha0 b = [ delta_up_alpha0 - 1, delta_down_alpha0 - 1, math.log(delta_up) * delta_up_alpha0, -math.log(delta_down) * delta_down_alpha0, math.log(delta_up) ** 2 * delta_up_alpha0, math.log(delta_down) ** 2 * delta_down_alpha0, ] A_inverse = [ [ 15.0 / (16 * self.alpha0), -15.0 / (16 * self.alpha0), -7.0 / 16, -7.0 / 16, 1.0 / 16 * self.alpha0, -1.0 / 16 * self.alpha0, ], [ 3.0 / (2 * self.alpha0 ** 2), 3.0 / (2 * self.alpha0 ** 2), -9.0 / (16 * self.alpha0), 9.0 / (16 * self.alpha0), 1.0 / 16, 1.0 / 16, ], [ -5.0 / (8 * self.alpha0 ** 3), 5.0 / (8 * self.alpha0 ** 3), 5.0 / (8 * self.alpha0 ** 2), 5.0 / (8 * self.alpha0 ** 2), -1.0 / (8 * self.alpha0), 1.0 / (8 * self.alpha0), ], [ 3.0 / (-2 * self.alpha0 ** 4), 3.0 / (-2 * self.alpha0 ** 4), -7.0 / (-8 * self.alpha0 ** 3), 7.0 / (-8 * self.alpha0 ** 3), -1.0 / (8 * self.alpha0 ** 2), -1.0 / (8 * self.alpha0 ** 2), ], [ 3.0 / (16 * self.alpha0 ** 5), -3.0 / (16 * self.alpha0 ** 5), -3.0 / (16 * self.alpha0 ** 4), -3.0 / (16 * self.alpha0 ** 4), 1.0 / (16 * self.alpha0 ** 3), -1.0 / (16 * self.alpha0 ** 3), ], [ 1.0 / (2 * self.alpha0 ** 6), 1.0 / (2 * self.alpha0 ** 6), -5.0 / (16 * self.alpha0 ** 5), 5.0 / (16 * self.alpha0 ** 5), 1.0 / (16 * self.alpha0 ** 4), 1.0 / (16 * self.alpha0 ** 4), ], ] coefficients = [ sum([A_i * b_j for A_i, b_j in zip(A_row, b)]) for A_row in A_inverse ] delta = 1 for i in range(1, 7): delta += coefficients[i - 1] * alpha ** i else: delta = delta_down ** (-alpha) return delta def __init__(self, histogramssets, subscribe=True, alpha0=1): self._histogramssets = histogramssets self.alpha0 = alpha0 def __call__(self, alphasets): tensorlib, _ = get_backend() return tensorlib.astensor( _slow_interpolator_looper( self._histogramssets, tensorlib.tolist(alphasets), self.product ) )